
If you are a tax payer we can claim the back the tax on your donation through the Gift Aid scheme, making your support go even further. A Gift Aid Form is attached at the bottom of the page. Please complete it and return it to our treasurer.

Regular Giving

The ongoing ministry and mission of our Church relies on people's financial support. 

While we have some restricted funds specifically for maintenance of the building, we rely on the ongoing support of individuals to pay for our heating and lighting, insurance, the costs of running Church services, paying our Parish 'share' to The Diocese, and for our Mission Support

Regular giving enable us to plan ahead, and commit to supporting church, community and mission projects. Setting up a standing order is an easy and effective way of providing financial support over a longer period, and we also operate an envelope scheme.

You can set up a standing order by contacting our Church Warden who will put you in touch with our Treasurer.

If you are a tax payer please also complete a Gift Aid Form and send it to our treasurer.

Remembering us in your Will

Over the years St Mary's has been blessed with a number of legacies and their generosity continues to support the mission and ministry of the Church.

You could chose to give:

If you would like to include us in your will please contact your solicitor and they will ensure the correct wording is used. The Church of England give an example here link

One-off donation